This is always one of my most favorite blog posts to write…simply because it is utterly ridiculous, a bit embarrassing, and somewhat hilarious to see evidence of my weird faces that (apparently) I make on a consistent basis in public…sigh. Enjoy friends! This is the behind the scenes view of all the fun we have with our Lux Light Brides on their weddings days!!!!

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Excuse me here, while I just straddle this rope during your ceremony. Anything to the “the” shot!

behind the scenes wedding photographer in michigan

What’s that?? You need someone to SHOW you how to sit on this floral swing? Well if you insist (whilst secretly I’ve been dying to try it allllll day) By the way, can I borrow your bouquet so I can have all the pretty?

behind the scenes wedding photographer in michigan

Hey guys wait! Can you save me a piece of cake? Or 3???

behind the scenes wedding photographer in michigan

Must. Get. Closer!!!!!

behind the scenes wedding photographer in michigan

That day I tripped over my own feet, had stitches in my shoulder, and rocked that bandaid like a boss (and by boss, I mean like an idiot because I forgot to wear long sleeves to hide my clumsiness)!

behind the scenes wedding photographer in michigan

Oh you know, just a typical Saturday…dancing in the street…by myself…

behind the scenes wedding photographer in michigan

The look I get when the bride says “Yes Melissa, we did get a donut dessert table! Eat ALL the donuts Melissa!”

behind the scenes wedding photographer in michigan

Excuse me while I photograph my feet…

behind the scenes wedding photographer in michigan

My true calling? Fluffing dresses…photography is just a hobby. Obviously…

behind the scenes wedding photographer in michigan

Cursing my 5 foot stature (for those who don’t believe me, yes I am literally 5 feet tall) whilst balancing on a stool in the very sturdy sand dunes…

behind the scenes wedding photographer in michigan

…And after balancing on the stool for hours, laying down in the grass to have myself a wee bit of a nap…

behind the scenes wedding photographer in michigan

Stocking my prey through the bushes like a Pumba….or as if I were on the hunt for more donuts…

behind the scenes wedding photographer in michigan

Oh you know, just a typical date night…standing in the middle of a field, hugging my invisible husband as if that’s completely normal…

behind the scenes wedding photographer in michigan

Why yes, thank you for asking…I can bench press my camera!

behind the scenes wedding photographer in michigan

The look on your face when you are 5 feet tall, and trying to carry a wedding dress…

behind the scenes wedding photographer in michigan

Walking is soooooo tiring. I think I will just have myself a lil nap on this dock…that’s cool right??!!

behind the scenes wedding photographer in michigan

Wait. You want ME to smile for the camera? Well if you insist….

behind the scenes wedding photographer in michigan

I could stare at this dress all day long! PS. Can someone TALL please get this down from the uber high window that I had decided to hang it in??

behind the scenes wedding photographer in michigan

Really wish I would have realized that these were ginormous rose bushes BEFORE I decided to climb in them…

behind the scenes wedding photographer in michigan

Going swimming on your wedding day? Don’t mind if I do!

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